As this is office month here on the Curb, we’ve decided it was time to subdue the wire & cable beast. We’re not using swords, whips or potions to do it either. Nope, we’re using our smarts. Our DIY smarts, that is.
This AT-AT cable/socket box is actually a DIY kit. You can snag it at Brando for 43 bucks, but I think a clever DIYer could knock one out with some balsa wood.

Remember this TP roll extension cord holder from AT? It’s as clever as ever!

Speaking of TP rolls, berserk on Instructables used 18 of them for this cable organization box. It’s not the prettiest we’ve seen, but it certainly does a brilliant job!

This charging station from Country Living is not only decorative but it’s roomy enough to hold a power strip too.

Here’s a super simple and practically free idea from Turnstone. Yup, those are metal binder clips!

Another simple and free is this idea from Unplggd. And for those sans bread clips, check out my tutorial for making your own out of a milk jug.

PROD saw this Instructable and decided to take it a step further by incorporating individual switches in a DIY charging box made out of an Ikea storage box.

And, finally this AH-mazing DIY charging station from Ryan at the Weekly Geek Show. Particularly impressive is its steampunk quality as well as the employment of a sneaky false bottom.