The news is generally disheartening. Work is stressful. Bills keep coming every month. My washing machine is making a weird sound. Life is rough, right? I need a break! Sometimes I just want to stare at my phone and enjoy myself for a minute. The problem is that scrolling through social media – a once relaxing and enjoyable experience – has turned into a version of hell all its own. Some accounts on Instagram are annoying. Everyone on Twitter is fighting about politics. And Facebook gives me all the FOMO. Where do we go? Where do we turn for a few minutes of mindless entertainment?
I’ve searched the depths of the internet to help you answer that question. The good news is, there are still a few rays of sunshine in the dark cloud of online content. So when you’re not reading Curbly, or watching The Office once again – check out these links to help you recharge your batteries.
Britney’s Gram: The Podcast

Are you familiar with Britney Spears’ Instagram account? It is a must-follow. Full of fashion shows, homemade work-out videos, and heavily filtered selfies – her posts are ridiculous yet charming in a way only Britney Spears can be. Two comedians, Tess Barker and Barbara Gray, created the Britney’s Gram Podcast – and each episode is dedicated to hilariously analyzing Brit’s latest posts.
Thoughts of Dog Twitter Account – @dog_feelings

This account has over one million followers, and with good reason. Each tweet is written as if from the brain of a dog. And eventually you will forget a loyal and innocent dog is not actually behind the account. You will laugh and also want to give him all the kisses.
Here’s one of my favorite tweets: “i had a long talk. with my fren. about how to spot. a fake ball throw. the optimal strategy. is to follow the ball. with your eyes. instead of your heart.”
The Home Edit Instagram Account – @thehomeedit

Do you want to look at soothing photos of perfectly organized pantries and closets? Of course you do! You’ve gotta follow The Home Edit on Instagram. This account is run by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, two professional organizers known for working with celebrities. Not only are their organization-themed posts great, but their Instastories about everything else going on in their lives are surprisingly hilarious.
Advice Columns

I get a little thrill out of reading about other people’s personal problems. It feels like getting some juicy gossip. There’s also satisfaction in reading sound and well-articulated advice from someone wanting to help solve those problems. Hence, the entertaining world of advice columns. Here are a couple of great ones. Click carefully, if you’re like me, you’ll go down a rabbit hole and won’t emerge for two hours.
Ask a Manager – Alison Green helps people solve sticky work situations.
Care and Feeding – Parenting is hard, and we all wonder if we’re doing it right. Nicole Cliffe and Carvell Wallace always have the answers. My favorites are written by Cliffe – she’s funny and not afraid to tell it like it is. To a parent complaining about her kids’ fashion choices she wrote, “As long as their genitals are covered and their clothes are clean, practice acceptance.”
Anna Faris is Unqualified – Anna Faris – co-star of the hit TV show Mom – started her advice-based podcast in 2015. Each episode features a well-known guest, then they answer lifestyle questions asked by real people over the phone. She may be “unqualified,” but she is hilarious.
Alyssa Limperis Twitter Account – @alyssalimp

Alyssa Limperis is a comedian and actress, and all of her tweets are funny – but her mom videos are everything. She impersonates her own mother in quick-cut videos, each one with a different theme. A few favorites: “Mom When I Visit Home“, “Mom Visiting NYC“, and “Mom in the Car“. You will see your own mother in each one.