When it comes time to decorate a child’s bedroom, parents become infinitly more creative and bold with their design decisions. Have you ever noticed that? Maybe it’s not true in every case, but I feel like a kid’s room is where it feels okay to just let loose, design-wise, and have a little fun. So this roundup is dedicated to all the amazingly inspired kid’s bedrooms. Who knows? It may even inspire some of your decorating decisions in other areas of the house.
1. A Mini Modern Bedroom with Loads of Personality
2. A Simplified Space with Room for Playtime
3. A White Bedroom with a Touch of Color
5. A Modern Kiddos Bedroom with plenty of Bookshelves
6. A Black and White, Polka Dot meets Stripes Bedroom
7. Painted Floorboards in a Child’s Room
9. A Bedroom / Nursery with Lots of Light
10. Scallop Painted Walls for a Little Girl’s Room
11. Amazing Wallpaper and Artwork in a Kid’s Room
I’m partial to bedrooms 1, 4, 5, and 11. Which one is your favorite?