Every home needs a “landing strip”: that place near the door to put your keys, sunglasses, phone, mail, purses, things you need to take with you, and all the other important stuff that comes in and out of your home everyday. A basket is a great idea, or a storage bench, or a small shelf.
OR…You could make these mod, space-y storage pods from a household staple! Guess what it is!
Plastic cereal bowls. Bam.
Miki of Miki’s design created this genius installation with a bare five bucks worth of plastic bowls, some spray paint, and a few nails. I love the numbers, as well. They remind me of that awesome white room from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Soup Anyone? [Miki’s-Design]
What exactly did you use to hang them I looked and couldn’t find what you used, love this and plan on doing it as long as it’s rental friendly 🙂