I love a unique Christmas tree. Don’t get me wrong, a classic evergreen tree with white lights and red ornaments is great too… but there’s something so exciting about a non-traditional tree with interesting colors and unusual decorations. So today I’m going to teach you how to decorate a Christmas tree with ribbon! Read on to check out my tips and tricks for creating a stunning, colorful ribbon tree.

- Magenta tulle, 6 inches wide
- Aqua tulle, 6 inches wide
- Gold sparkle ribbon, 1.5 inches wide
- Pale green sparkle ribbon, 2 inches wide
- Navy blue satin ribbon, 2 inches wide
- Scissors
- Additional ornaments and string lights

The key to creating a successful ribbon tree is to layer lots of different colors and textures on top of one another. If you’re planning to use string lights, start with those. Next, wrap the green sparkle ribbon around the tree counter clockwise, starting at the top. Wrap the next color around clockwise from the top. Alternate until you’ve put all of the ribbon around the tree, ending with the tulle.
A note about tulle: mine came in 20 yard spools, but I only used a few yards – so 5 or 10 yards would be plenty.

Last, add ornaments and a tree skirt. Plug in the lights, and voilà – your ribbon tree is complete! The glittery gold gives it a wonderfully glam vibe, while the bright colors feel fresh and cheerful.

The layered ribbons give it a full look – even though my tree is only about five feet tall, it feels very substantial. And the ornaments give it a bit of extra texture.

Growing up, it was a tradition in my house to put a bird at the top of the tree… so I’ve continued that custom into adulthood. It adds a fun, unexpected touch which I love.

Now that you know how to decorate a Christmas tree with ribbon, I hope you share yours with us… tag your Instagram photos with #curblylovewhereyoulive so we can check out your ribbon tree masterpieces!