Good Golly Miss Molly! I think I’ll need a cinder block wall planter next Spring. Not being a fan of cinder blocks, I’m happy to see them used in a design-i-licious way. Here’s all you need:
12″ cinder blocks
some extra blocks or pavers to glue inside the bottom of the blocks with plants
Liquid Nails
You can do any configuration you’d like plus the blocks are cheap and paintable so you can have pull them right into your outdoor color scheme.
VIA InhabitBlog
Love this idea.
I love this idea and am building a wall myself!! I still don’t understand though how to create a base in the bottom of the openings?
I love this idea and am building one now . I am still confused on how to create a bottom to the blocks? Help
While this is a great idea, the soil pH will quickly go too alkaline for most plants due to the lime leaching out of the blocks. Seal the inside of the blocks before planting. Also, to answer the questions in the other comments, put a flat cap block under each block so hold tge soil in place.