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Wicked Witch Costume

by on Oct 28, 2008

After an awesome interview with Wicked costume designer, Susan Hilferty, Corinne is going to show
you how to make an intense witch costume- worthy of the Broadway show!

Wath the full episode HERE!

To make the skirt, Corinne took an old long stretchy black dress and cut it across the waist line.

A black dress being designed on a table.A girl cutting a black dress with scissors

Fold it in half length wise and draw a line down the middle of the back then cut down the line.


A large room with a black tarp or cloth on the ground.A person cutting a piece of black cloth.


Cut a two and half inch strip that is as long as your waist. Fold it in half, pin, iron the fold, and sew it together.

A long, thin piece of black cloth is on a crafting mat.A person holds part of a shirt sleeve above a green crafting mat.A person ironing a tie.

pin it to your waist line, right sides together, and sew it on. Fold it
up and sew a top stitch along the skirt part. Get out a bunch of old
garments that you could cut long strips from and cut a bunch of strips.

A green blueprint paper with a hand pointing on to it.Black and blue materials are placed together.

Next sew one line of Ruching along the top of each strip. If you need to, go back to Liz Tilley’s hat episode to learn how.

 Several black strips of fabric lay across a floor.Two hands grabbing black fabric on a table.Several pieces of tattered black cloth.A web page that has a video of a woman and a second picture of her.

at the bottom, sew the ruched strips to the skirt using a zig zag
stitch. If the garment you’re sewing the strips to is stretchy, stretch
the garment as you sew but not the strips. When the strip ends,
slightly overlap the next strip on top and keep going.

Black fabric being worked on.

on your next row of ruffles about an inch and half above the previous
one. Repeat this process over and over and over again until you reach
the top of the skirt. This is a very time consuming process, but worth

A person is working with a piece of black material.

you’ve finished putting all the ruffles on, put a zipper in the back
using Kate’s zipper tutorial. Then, you’re done with an awesome and
fashion forward witch skirt.  


A silver zipper between black material.A website template has images, video, and text.A black frilly dress that has a band of purple in the skirt.

For the top part of the costume, take out an old black long sleeved button up and remove the sleeves using a seem ripper.

 A black shirt with two hands on it.A hand holds a crafting needle, while a black sweater lays on a table.A woman sews a black shirt on a green crafting mat.

Try it on and mark the point where your shoulder ends. Start at that mark and cut along the arm hole down to the arm pit.

Two hands stretching a piece of black fabric.

it on again and pinch and pin to make the shirt fit you better starting
at the armpit. Mark and sew along the pin line, then cut off the excess.


A person wearing a black shirt with zebra-striped sleeves.A hand working on black fabric.Woman cutting black cloth into pattern.

out your sleeve, remove the cuff and the fabric along the slit. Put it
on and mark a point about two inches above the elbow and cut the slit
up to that point.

A dark fabric on top of a table.A person holding a Halloween customBlack sleeve is being fitted over a hand in a garage.A woman is messing with the sleeves of her shirt.An arm of a jacket is being cut up the center with a knife.

Fold up the bottom of the sleeve about a quarter of an inch and sew.

Person stretching fabric out on a sewing table.A black piece of cloth on the green blue print paige.

pin the sleeve to the inside of the armhole, starting at the armpit and
working your way up to the shoulder. There’s going to be some excess
sleeve at the top, just make small pleats and pin for a cool effect and
sew along the pin line.

A person is using black material to make a shirt.Costume projects for theme based parties.

out some contrasting fabric and measure eighteen inches along the
bottom, mark out a triangle shape that’s about four inches at the top
and long enough to sew along the sides of the slit of the sleeve.

A hand is holding a black piece of fabric.

Cut it out and sew hems down both sides.

A person sewing together a black costume.

So each side of the triangle to each side of the slit.

A person stitching the clothe in the sewing machine

it together at the top of the slit and sew over the bunch. Then cut off
the excess. Repeat this process to the front of the sleeve with a
different fabric.

A sewing machine seeing together fabric.A person cuts blue fabric with metal scissors.

put some elastic thread in your bobbin and do a line of shirring above
the contrasting sleeve fabric around the entire sleeve. Refer back to
the Shirred summer dress episode for the how-to. Next just repeat to
the other sleeve, change out the buttons, and you are done with the top.

A person is sewing a pair of pants.Someone is pulling a sleeve of a black shirt which is on a crafting mat and table.The side of a womans torso with her arm outspred wearing a flowing black sleeved dress.A girl taking a picture in a black custome


Now for the Hat. Get some non-fuseable interfacing, you could use think paper but this way it’s water proof and durable.

Person pulling out fabric onto a table.

your pieces of interfacing together so you have a piece large enough
for a 14 and half inch radius. Cut out the circle and draw a line from
the outer point to the middle point. And roll it up to be a cone.


A series of leather flaps being sewed in a machine.A person's arm drawing a white circle on a black cloth.A black piece of fabric or vinyl is being measured with a craft ruler.

sure the bottom is wide enough to fit your head and sew it together to
fit this point. Then use your hot glue gun to glue your outer seem

A black cone hat held by a hand

Next take out some fabric. Corinne uses an old velvet skirt. Drape it inside out over the hat and pinch and pin along one side.

 A black shirt with buttons being pulled by a hand.

along the pin line, cut off the excess, turn it right side out and
place it over your hat shape. Corinne cuts out another piece of fabric
and glues it over the seem but it’s not necessary.

A person is working with black material on a blue mat on a table.

Next glue the excess fabric at the bottom to the inside of the cone.

A person uses a crafting tool on black fabric.

some wire and shape circle that has about three inches wider a radius
than your cone. Use electric tape to connect the ends.

A hand holding a roll of black wire over a green mat.A dark blue cone inside of a dark blue circle on top of a green cutting mat.

the cone on top of some more fabric and  trace around the cone. Cut out
the inside of the circle about two inches in from the outline.

A person working on black fabric.A black pair of jeans that are being marked by a man.

slits all the way up to the outline. Place the wire circle over the
fabric. And cut around it about two inches out. Turn the cone upside
down. Place the fabric over the bottom of the cone and glue the tabs to
the inside.

A woman holding sewing shears cuts a piece of black VelvetBlack fabric on the table being cut by scissors.

Turn it right side up and glue bias tape along the outer seem.

Hands are holding a black hat and a card.A woman works on the brim of a black witches hat that is on a cutting mat.

put your hat structure over the wire and fold your overlapping fabric
over the wire. Make sure to pull it very taut and pin it all the way

A person is working with some black material.A black witches hat on top of green fabric.

Attach your zipper foot and sew all the way around keeping as close to the wire as possible. Cut the excess off underneath.

A person is working with dark colored material for a craft.A black item being sewn on a machine.

Bend the wire up in key spots to add some style. Corinne also adds some lacy fabric and a purple flower.

A black witch's hat sits on a green crafting mat.A woman in a black shirt and purple witch hat.

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