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Elegant Outdoor Luminaries: Free

by on Dec 7, 2006

What You Need

Plastic bucket or empty-ice cream pail

Small plastic jar or storage container

Stones, marbles, etc for weight

Votives or tea lights

Cold weather, or a freezer if you live in warmer climes

What You Need to DoRocks are sitting in the middle of a white container.

1. Place smaller container in center of pail

2. Place rocks, marbles, etc. in smaller container for weight

3. Fill larger pail with water until it reaches 1 inch or so from rim of center container

4. Place bucket outside in freezing weather

5. Wait a day or two for the donut to freeze

6. Take out weight from center container

7. Add a bit of warm water to loosen and remove the center container

8. Submerge the bottom of pail in warm water to loosen and remove the iced donut

9. Add lighted tea-light or votive to center of donutThere are some elegant outdoor luminaries.

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DIY simple steps to make outdoor Luminary. 


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