Now that the temperatures are getting a bit chillier, I’ve been spending the evenings curled up on the couch with throw blankets and a warm cup of tea. And if you have too, then you might enjoy the tutorial that I have for you today… I’m going to show you how to make an incredibly simple faux fur throw blanket with fabulous yarn tassels adorning the corners. Click through to check out the full photo tutorial.

The faux fur makes this colorful blanket super cozy, while the giant yarn tassels add a bit of character. What more could you want?! So let’s get started!
Here’s what you’ll need for this project:
- 1.5 yards of faux fur fabric
- 1.5 yards of printed fabric (non-stretch)
- 1 skein colorful yarn
- 6×6″ piece of cardboard
- Scissors
- Pins
- Sewing needle
- Sewing machine and thread
Let’s begin by making the tassels. Wrap your yarn around the 6 inch piece of cardboard again and again, until you have a pretty substantial bunch of yarn as shown above.
Holding the left side of the clump of yarn with your left hand, cut through the right side (or vise versa if you’re left-handed).
Lay the yarn out on your work surface and place an 8″ piece across as shown above. This will be the piece that will attach your tassel to the blanket.
Cut a 20″ piece of yarn. Fold the clump of yarn in half across the 8″ piece and then tie the end of the 20″ piece around the folded clump as shown above. Double knot it, and then wrap that piece around and around. Securely knot the end and then tuck it in so it is hidden.
Repeat this process for three more tassels. Trim any uneven yarn ends at the bottoms of the tassels. Knot the 8″ pieces loosely (you can see it in the photo below).
Next, cut your fabric so both pieces are 40×54″ and lay them out with right sides together. Place a tassel in between the two pieces in the corner as shown above, and pin in place.
It should look something like this. Do this in all four corners, and pin all the way around the edge of the blanket too.
Now you’ll sew everything together. Sew with a half inch seam allowance, and you’ll also want to ensure that the seam falls between the bulbous top part of the tassel and the knot (the knot is what will prevent the tassel from slipping out). Sew back and forth over this tassel tail area a couple of times with very small stitches… we don’t want that bad boy falling out!
Switch back to larger stitches and sew three quarters of the way around the blanket, repeating the same process in each corner. Be sure not to accidentally catch any of the tassel strands in the seams.
Leave the fourth side open as shown above, but still use the machine to attach the tassels. Use the machine to make a very small back and forth stitch in an inconspicuous area of the center of the blanket so the two pieces of fabric don’t separate easily.
Hand sew that last side closed, by folding over each edge and then hemming them shut.

And now your faux fur throw is complete! So cute, right?!

It’s super cozy to curl up with on those cool fall nights, and it also looks really pretty folded up. And you can get creative with the color scheme – it would look great in a buffalo plaid pattern, or with a darker faux fur.

There’s something about those tassels that just makes me smile. You could even take it a step further and line each end with a dozen multi-colored tassels.

Your furry friends will love this blanket, too… Charlie gave it the seal of approval!