We’re taking a cue from Crayola today for this roundup! Sixteen entry doors in 16 different colors all represented in a 16 pack of our favorite box of crayons. Here’s a screenshot of said colors courtesy of Wikipedia:

Starting in order, first up is RED. Probably one of the first colors when people think of bold entry doors, which is why it’s become a classic look:

This YELLOW door is no wallflower:

This BLUE door is bold, but calming too:

We might not think of BROWN as bold, but this door suits its Craftsman surroundings perfectly:

We used to have a saying in our house: When in doubt, paint it GREEN.

A VIOLET (PURPLE) door has never looked so beautiful:

A BLACK door is like a little black dress: its timeless and goes with any style.

You can call it CARNATION PINK or just pink, either way, it’s charming:

It’s not yellow and it’s not quite orange. It’s YELLOW-ORANGE:

Blue + Green = BLUE-GREEN and it’s gorgeous:

If I had a flowering vine like that, I’d paint my front door RED-VIOLET too (swoon)!

Easing out of red and into orange is this RED-ORANGE door:

A YELLOW-GREEN door might not sound appetizing until you see it. And then it’s as refreshing as a cold Mountain Dew on a hot summer day:

An example of a door painted BLUE-VIOLET isn’t the easiest thing to find, but here’s a mighty fine specimen:

And, finally, WHITE. WHITE? It might not be colorful all my itself, but a pack of Crayola would be lost without it. Plus, coupled with a great color, white is alright, as evidenced by this funky little structure: