Inside any otherwise organized home, you’ll find a blackhole of chaos: the closet. Somehow, these tucked away storage spaces spiral out of control with a mere glance. To help nip any future clothing-related mutinies in the bud, we’ve rounded up 8 genius closet organization ideas. Enjoy!

1. Prevent clothes from slipping off their hangers and piling up on the closet floor with these easy DIY no-slip hangers.

2. This custom-built closet full of storage can be yours for under $50. Really. Learn how here.

3. Make use of closet wall space and easily store all your man bits (and bobs) with this brilliant pegboard organizer idea.

4. Got shoes coming out your ears? Need more space in your closet for, ya know, other things? Build this PVC pipe shoe rack and you’ll be set.

5. Avoid “what am I going to wear?!!?!” stress by planning ahead with this clever weekly wardrobe organization idea.

6. Turns out, the back of your closet door is prime real estate for storing all kinds of things. This DIY storage rack is a quick way to increase your closet’s storage capacity.

7. PVC pipes to the rescue again! Lined up in a drawer (or a bin), they make great scarf/sock/whatever organizers.

8. Last but not least, you can build a custom shelving wall inside your closet for around $40. Learn how here.
Have any other clever ideas? Share your favorite closet organization tips and tricks in the comments below.