Tiny twinkly lights on bendable wires may be the best invention ever. They’re star-like, and whimsical, and they make everything they touch immediately festive and delightful.
While you can wrap these bendy little strands around everything from branches to ceramic figurines, my favorite use for them is to cloche them, alá Restoration Hardware:

Do you see how those beauties are like magic captured under glass? The only problem with the Restoration Hardware version is that they cost a pretty penny (or rather, a zillion pretty pennies). The very smallest cloche and the very shortest light set from Restoration Hardware will run you $84. And, you need at least three of them…
But, fear not, because if you must have these wonders, you can DIY them for significantly less. And, the best news is: it’s actually the easiest DIY project ever.

Here’s what you need:
- Cloches: Glass cloches abound in vintage shops and cost $10-$40 (or buy on Etsy.com and have them delivered!)
- Wire lights: We used these battery operated Martha Stewart lights ($14.98 for two sets!)
Scotch tape (to hold your wire lights in place)
And, here’s the step-by-step:
Simply place the wire in the cloche and tape it in place. That’s it!
Since our cloches had no base, we placed them in trays to make them feel like a cohesive unit.
If you have a hard time finding cloches you like, you can do this project for even less by using a set of overturned vases, like these ones. The end result is still magical.

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Very very nice!
Thanks, @ella!
What a lovely project. Was the wire on the lights you used green? I can’t tell from the picture. I think I want to do this with gold wired lights, but maybe the color of the wire is irrelevant.
Hi @Anne! Yes, the wire on the light sets we used was green. When the lights are on, you really don’t see the green wire because the lights are so warm in color. But, you can find light sets with gold wire on Amazon for a steal. Good luck!
Why spend boucou bucks when Mason Jars are cheaply and readily available!