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How to: Make a Patterned Mousepad from a Cork Mat

by on Aug 27, 2014

Rachel Mae Smith I don’t know about you, but I always seem to struggle with finding a mousepad I actually like. The patterned ones at office supply stores tend to be a bit too generic and the plain ones just don’t give my desk that extra pop it needs. So when making over my office space in our new apartment, I decided to make my own!

How To: Turn a Plant Cork Mat into a Mousepad Rachel Mae Smith

Time: 25 minutes + dry time
Materials: plant cork mat, spray adhesive, fabric, ribbon, scissors, E-6000 glue

How-To: Turn a Plant Cork Mat into a MousepadRachel Mae Smith

Make sure to iron your fabric before starting this project so that your mousepad is wrinkle-free when you finish. Trim your fabric into a circular shape. It should be about 1-2″ larger than your cork mat in diameter. 

How-To: Turn a Plant Cork Mat into a MousepadRachel Mae Smith

This stuff is sticky, so put down newspaper or a drop cloth before using. In a well ventilated area, spray your cork mat with adhesive (over entire surface). 

How-ToL Turn a Plant Cork Mat into a MousepadRachel Mae Smith While the adhesive is still wet, attach your fabric to cork mat. You’ll have a little bit of time to smooth out any bumps (you can just use your finger) before the glue sets. 

How-To: Turn a Plant Cork Mat into a MousepadRachel Mae SmithLet dry for about 5 minutes then trim your fabric again, this time only leaving about  1/8″ overlap.

How-To: Turn a Plant Cork Mat into a MousepadRachel Mae Smith To smooth out the sides, I wrapped the edges in ribbon. Apply a small amount of E-6000 glue to the mat. Fold your fabric overlap down then cover with the ribbon as you go. Once you make it all the way around, trim the extra ribbon with scissors.

Let dry for 30 minutes-1 hour before using!

How-To: Turn a Plant Cork Mat into a Mousepad Rachel Mae Smith

How-To: Turn a Plant Cork Mat into a MousepadRachel Mae Smith

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  1. I love this! Such a great idea and so easy too. I have a cork pad lying around so I’m going to make one to go in my new university room !!