Ah…the wireless era! We’re almost there, really, but it’s taking too long. Why does the back of my desk have to look like an initiation test for a bomb squad?
Is this a gender issue? I mean, do guys find this photo appealing? Even Attractive? (Ed. – absolutely not.)
Why did a box filled with electrical cords in our recent garage sale yielded the highest profit in the shortest amount of time? And why is it that only a some weird looking guys even looked at it in the first place?
Am I asking too many questions? Really? Well, here’s one answer: “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!”
Several weeks ago I moved to a house with really high ceilings, where all the lighting fixtures are attached to the walls. Since I brought a chandelier with me and wanted to hang it above the dinning table, I needed to find a way to handle this issue. So, along came my very handy father and stretched an industrial cord between two walls and up went the chandelier.
But as much as I love the industrial look, especially when combined with a traditional item like a chandelier, I absolutely abhorred the ugly cord that accompanied it.
Off to the store I went, and $3.00 and an hour later, I had an industrial, traditional, modern light fixture in my new home.
Here’s what you’ll need to get the look:
- a lamp
- a steel cord with two strong hooks
- transparent electrical cord
- semi flexible electrical cord (any brass or copper cord will do)
- masking tape.
After careful measuring stretch the cord between two walls, slide in the lamp and close tight. Wrap the electrical cord with the masking tape and carefully wire to the wall. (I let my father do that part…). Shape a word from the semi flexible cord and wrap it with masking tape. Tape it to the steel cord and turn on the light….
Miki Steiner is a DIYer and designer who believes that creativity, rather than a big budget, is the key to making a beautiful home. See more of her projects at Miki’s Design.