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Calorie Burning DIY Projects

by on Dec 20, 2010

Two weeks from now the gyms will be brimming with New Year’s Resolvers. Even if you’re religious about your workouts, these last  weeks leading up to the end of the year can be wrought with impulsive calorie intake. Before you sign up at a gym, take a look at the calorie burn you can enjoy while sprucing up your space. I recall that Mr. Mod lost a good 10lbs when he laid our hardwood floor many years ago, without even giving up snacks! DIY Life  has done the math.

Man in gray banian holding wood piece in his arms and tools in his pockets.

(By the way, this is not how Mr. Mod looks when he’s schlepping fenceposts!)

Calories burned per hour:

Sawing wood by hand: 510

Carrying lumber: 340

Cleaning gutters: 340

Laying sod:  340

Caulking windows and doors: 306

Sanding floors: 306

Laying tile: 306

Planting trees: 306

Hanging drywall: 204

Click on over to DIY Life to see more calorie burning DIY activities that may keep you out of the gym while knocking off your To Do list. Oh yeah, thinking about your To Do list only burns 68 calories an hour.