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How To: Make an Awesome Wall Treatment with Reclaimed Wood

by on Nov 4, 2010

In today’s video I show you how to do your own Reclaimed Wood Wall. This is a project I have been wanting to do for months and am so thrilled with the result. My husband and I were first inspired by The Antonio Treatment, an HGTV show starring a laid back kinda punk rock/metal dude who does everything green and features his dog Chewie a lot. We dig him. Antonio does BIG heavy hauls and revamps and shows glimpses into the projects, without doing big DIY tutorials. So I thought it’d be cool to take the reclaimed wall idea and break it down for you.

created at: 11/08/2010

This is definitely a two person job (at least in my case), so thanks to my rockstar husband Will for helping make it happen. Now that the wall is complete and effing amazing, every time we walk into the kitchen, you’ll hear us go “Woah! It’s awesome!”

A shelf below planks of different colored woods containg three silver containers three plants and a red knife holder.

How do you like it? Let us know in the comments below!

Photos by the amazing Jess Edwards

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  1. If anyone needs nice old wood- cedar, oak, heart pine, come to Tampa. We don’t believe in preserving anything! Plenty more where that came from! ‘Course it’s not old growth, but that’s okay! Makes it easier- the name of the game when you’re in a rush to slap up your 5000sf ‘green’ building, or better yet- condos! Cram even more people in per mile…