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10 lies you tell yourself about clutter

by on Sep 8, 2010

After reading Green Daily’s lies we tell ourselves about clutter, I realize I have been less than honest with my flotsam and jetsam. By no means am I a pack rat. However, I do have stashes here and there that really could be pared down considerably. My craft supplies, for instance. Some of that stuff I haven’t used in years, but in the back of my mind I just KNOW that as soon as I give it away or throw it out, I’ll need it. Whatever ‘it’ is. Perhaps it’s time to get honest about the situation and trim the fat. If you need to go on a stuff diet too, check out these lies we tell ourselves about clutter. Do any of them sound familiar?

10. I’ll get to it tomorrow.

9. Well, I’ve been trying to give it away, but no one wants it.

8. If I put it away, I’ll forget about it.

7. It’s not that bad.

6. OK, so I haven’t worn it this year. You just never know! 

5. It has sentimental value.

4. It might fit again.

3. If I only had a bigger house and more storage.

2. I lead a full life and have a lot of stuff to prove it!

1. Me? I’m really not that bad, you’re just a neat freak.

Any sound familiar? If so, follow this link to see the solutions to each.