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The 5-Second Standing Desk

by on Jan 12, 2012

This January (like last year) we’re talking about the creative spaces where we get work (and art, and doodles, and crafts, etc.) done. Yesterday I stopped by a letterpress printer’s shop (getting some cards printed up for my upcoming trip to Alt Summit), and I was really struck by one thing. The guy’s desk chair looked like it hadn’t been used in about 27 years. His whole job happens standing up, moving around.

And then there’s me. And my laptop. The majority of my work happens in the space between my fingertips and the keyboard, which means the rest of my body is out of the loop. But it turns out sitting your skeleton down in a chair all day is pretty much suicidal.

Fortunately, our friend (and editor) Chris Gardner came up with a quick way to fashion a standing desk out of 

some Ikea storage boxes: 

Check out how he did it over at