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Turn a Minnow Trap into a Pendant Light

by on Oct 6, 2010

"A light than hangs like a Pendant"

This tutorial reminded me of a story. When I was a kid, my older brother Tony used to trap minnows in a local stream near our house. Mostly it caught your regular garden variety minnows, but one time the trap turned up a very tiny sunny and bluegill. Too pretty to use as bait, Tony brought them home and put them in our small aquarium with our store-bought goldfish. Their co-habitation lasted about 24 hours, as the next morning we awoke to goldfish parts floating in the water. Who knew sunnies and bluegills were so malicious?! Anyhoo…Britanny spotted a minnow trap at a thrift store recently and decided to turn it into two pendant lamps. 

To make them, she used common tools like a needle nose plier, a regular plier and a side cutter. Other stuff used included a couple of candelabra base kits from Lowe’s and a wire coat hanger. Follow this jump for the entire how-to.

For an alternate, low-tech minnow bucket luminary,

check out this idea:

created on: 05/12/08