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Making Seed Tape: The perfect Christmas gift for the gardeners in your life.

by on Dec 2, 2009

Impress the socks off the gardeners on your holiday gift list this year by making seed tape. Don’t know what seed tape is? Basically it’s tape that’s impregnated with seeds. The tape is unrolled and planted in the ground in the springtime, and voila, the seeds sprout. Cool, huh? The process of making your own seed tape is pretty straightforward. The artistry comes in the packaging of said tapes. To make some, you’ll need just a few things like this stuff:

  • 1/4 cup flour and enough water to make paste
  • strips of paper like black and white newsprint, single-ply TP or thin paper bags (NOTHING with colored ink in it)
  • something to dab on drops of the flour paste (the maker suggests the pointy end of a paint brush)
  • a scissors
  • seeds 
  • do-dads for embellishing your rolls of seed tape

To see the entire tutorial, visit Giver’s Log. 

homemade gift for gardeners seed tape