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How to make a Word Search greeting card!

by on Aug 26, 2008

Curbly has siblings. One of them is called Teacherly, and, as you can probably guess, it’s an on-line resource for teachers. However, it also has a very awesomely cool FREE feature called ‘word search creator’. Teachers use such things as word search puzzles as, well, teaching tools, but they also can come in handy for paper crafters too. With a little help from Teacherly, here’s my very easy technique for making a one-of-a-kind greeting card!

What you need:

Teacherly Word Search Creator!
A piece of 8 ½ ” x 11″ light weight white or light-colored card stock
A piece of 8 ½ ” by 5 ½”  heavier weight cardstock
A glue stick or sticky-back tape
A paper cutter or scissors

What you do:

Go to Teacherly and create a word search. You simply type in a title and then add the words suitable to your greeting that you want to have featured in the search. You can even adjust the difficulty level of the search itself.

As you add words to your search, your word search puzzle will appear to the right of the screen. You’ll want to keep an eye on the size. You won’t want to be bigger than about twelve letters across, as that’s the maximum size that will fit on your card without having to do any fancy adjusting.

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When you’re finished creating your search, simply save it and then print it onto your light weight card stock.

Using your paper cutter or scissors, cut the word search from your paper.

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You might want to cut the ‘words’ out too.

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Then, fold your heavier cardstock in half and simply glue or tape the word search to the front of your card and the words to the back of the card for a cheat sheet.

created on: 08/26/08

Write a personal message inside your card, and it’s done!!

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