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Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas

by on Jun 9, 2008

Here are some recycled gift wrapping ideas suitable for any occasion! For more information, check out the video!


Potato Stamps on a Brown Paper Bag:

Get out an old potato, cut it in half. With a marker, cut a simple
shape onto the potato. With an exacto knife, carefuly cut away the
negative parts of your shape. And, you have a potato stamp!




A person making a stamper out of a potato on a gridded pad.

2. Take out an old paper bag, open up the bottom, and cut it down the sides so it lays flat.

Get out some acrylic paint and brush it onto your stamp. Press the
stamp firmly to your paper and repeat until you are happy with the

Man wrapping and coloring gift stars


Blue stars on top of a white piece of wrapping paper.

4. Wait for it to dry, then wrap up the gift!

5. Just cut out a little rectangle for a card, and you’re done!

Man showing gift packet wrapped with star printed paper and tied with ribbon.


An Old Basket:

1. Take out a magazine you’ve already read and cut the whole thing into strips.


Creative steps to make gift wrapping ideas.


2. Stuff the bottom of the basket with the strips and start adding stuff.


A person gift wrapping Bogli vine bottle in a wooden basket.


You can even use pages from a fashion magazine to wrap up small gifts,
then add some cheese, a few sprigs of lavender, and a little bow!

A woman's face is seen in a tile that a person is holding.


A basket filled with various gift items.

An Old Sewing Pattern:

you have a large awkward-shaped gift to wrap, use an old sewing
pattern! If you want a matching decoration, check out Youtube user
Natural Mindset’s tute for using old patterns to make pom-poms.

A gift that is wrapped up with a purple bow.

Old Music Book:

Use an old music book, rip out, and roll up a couple pagesand tie with a ribbon. Add one to each of your gifts as decoration!

A wrapped brown present with a green bow on a table.

Some Other Recycled Wrapping Options:

Other options include some old maps, the Sunday funnies or old comic books, scrap fabric, and astroturf!

A person is holding a cube of grass near a grid.



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