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DIY Halloween Costumes: Start Early

by on Sep 9, 2009

The ladies are getting a jump start on Thursday nights creatively stitching up costumes for their little candy mongers. We always seem to be rushed due to so many early October high faluttin’ Halloween parties these kids have to attend. My rule is that these are the ONLY kids in the enitire world wearing that costume, i.e., be an individual.  I don’t know why but that’s always been a big deal to me. I figure if they can’t be unique on Halloween, how do they even have a chance in this hard, cruel world? Oh well, this year the word is that all the little boys want to be Spiderman. “Go buy that one” is my smug retort. We’ll make the babies look so adorable, they’ll inevitably obtain enough Snickers to keep Mama happy for a long, long time. Take a look…

created at: 2009-09-09

created at: 2009-09-09

created at: 2009-09-09

created at: 2009-09-09

created at: 2009-09-09

created at: 2009-09-09

created at: 2009-09-09


created at: 2009-09-09