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New Year, New Organization: A Guide to Drawer Organization

by on Nov 28, 2023

As we exit the Christmas holiday season and welcome the new year, many will make New Year’s resolutions to become more organized and decluttered. One of the areas of your home that often gets overlooked in organizational efforts is drawers if you are anything like me. These small spaces can quickly become frustrating, whether it’s a messy dresser drawer or a cluttered junk drawer. That’s why we’re sharing our top tips and tricks for organizing your drawers and starting the year with a clean and functional space. 

Get ready for a New Year’s organizational transformation!

Understanding the Importance of Organized Drawers

As we embark on a new year and strive for better organization, it’s crucial to recognize one important area: our drawers. 

Drawer organization may seem like a small task in the grand scheme of things, but maintaining tidy and functional drawers is essential to keeping a clean and stress-free home.

When our drawers are disorganized, it’s easy to let things pile up and become overwhelmed. 

We may even use drawers to “stash” things, resulting in a haphazard mess that adds unnecessary stress to our daily routines. 

By taking the time to organize our drawers, we can create a space that is not only visually appealing but also practical and efficient.

Drawer organization is particularly important in the new year because it sets the tone for our overall organizational goals. 

When our drawers are in order, it’s easier to find what we need when we need it, eliminating the frustration of searching through a cluttered mess. 

It also helps us maintain a clean and clutter-free environment, which has been proven to reduce stress and increase productivity.

Organizing our drawers allows us to optimize the use of our space. By utilizing drawer dividers, storage bins, and labels, we can maximize storage capacity and ensure every item has its designated place. 

This creates a sense of order and saves us time and energy in the long run.

Tools You’ll Need for Effective Drawer Organization

Now that you understand the importance of organized drawers and are ready to tackle the clutter, it’s time to gather the necessary tools to make your organization project successful. 

Having the right tools on hand will make the process easier and ensure that your drawers are effectively organized and functional. Here are some essential tools you’ll need for effective drawer organization:

Drawer dividers

Organizing your drawers can be a daunting task, but drawer dividers can make it much easier. They allow you to separate and categorize your items, making it simple to find what you need. With various shapes and sizes available, you can choose the ones that best suit your drawer dimensions and storage requirements.

Storage bins and containers

Storage bins or containers are perfect for holding small items that often get lost or scattered in your drawers. Whether it’s loose change, hair accessories, or office supplies, using these containers will help keep everything in one place and prevent clutter.


Labeling the drawers is a game-changer when it comes to maintaining a well-organized space. You can invest in a label maker or use adhesive labels and markers to mark the contents of each drawer.

This will enable you and your family to find items and return them to their appropriate place quickly.

Drawer liners

Drawer liners are not essential, but they can enhance the style and protection of your newly organized drawers. They are available in various patterns and materials, such as fabric or non-slip liners, which keep your items in place and prevent them from sliding around.

Tools for measuring and marking

In preparation for organizing your drawers, it’s important to measure them and plan the layout. A measuring tape and ruler will be useful tools for this task. You may also find it helpful to use a pencil or chalk to mark where you want to place dividers and containers.

Cleaning supplies

Remember to give your drawers a good cleaning before you start organizing. Gather some cleaning supplies, such as a microfiber cloth and mild cleaning solution, to wipe down the interior of your drawers. This will ensure a fresh and clean space for your newly organized items.

These are just a few ideas for organizing drawers. 

Depending on the specific needs of your space, you may require additional tools or accessories. The key is to assess your drawers and determine what will work best for your organization goals. 

You can transform your messy drawers into functional and clutter-free spaces with the right tools. 

Get ready to take on your drawer organization project and start the new year off with a clean and organized home.

A Step-by-step Guide to Sorting Out Your Drawers

You’ve come to the right place if you’re ready to tackle your messy drawers and create a functional and organized space. 

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of sorting out your drawers and getting them in tip-top shape. So grab your organizing tools, and let’s get started!

empty drawer for drawer organizing

Empty the Drawer

To start organizing any drawer, the first step is to empty it completely. Take out everything and put it on a clean surface, like a table or countertop. This will give you a clear view of what you have and help you evaluate the items.

Sort and Declutter

Now that your drawer is empty, it’s time to sort through the items and declutter. Separate them into clothes, accessories, office supplies, kitchenware, or whatever categories work for your project. 

When going through your belongings, ask yourself if you really need them or if they are items that you can donate, recycle, or throw away.

Clean and Prep the Drawer

While the drawer is empty, it’s a good time to clean it. Use a microfiber cloth and mild cleaning solution to wipe the interior and remove any dust or debris. Once the drawer is clean and dry, you can start organizing it.

Choose Your Organization Solutions

Now, it’s time to decide how you want to organize your items within the drawer. 

This will depend on the specific items you have and the size of the drawer. Some ideas for organizing drawers include using dividers, storage bins, or small baskets. 

Choose solutions that will help keep your items separated and easily accessible.

Arrange and Arrange Again

organized and folded clothing in drawer

Once you have selected the organization solutions that suit your needs, begin placing your items back into the drawer. Try out various layouts until you find the one that works best for you. Remember to leave some empty space for any future additions or adjustments.

Label and Maintain

The final step in sorting out your drawers is to label them. This will make it easy for you and your family to find items quickly and return them to the right place. You can use adhesive labels, a label maker, or even handwritten labels to mark the contents of each section.

Once your drawers are organized, it’s important to maintain them. Take a few minutes each week to tidy up and put things back in their designated spots. This will help prevent clutter from building up and keep your drawers looking neat and organized.

And there you have it – a step-by-step guide to sorting out your drawers. With these ideas for organizing drawers and some determination, you can transform your messy drawers into functional and clutter-free spaces.

Tips on Maintaining Your Newly Organized Drawers

After you have finished organizing your drawers, the last thing you want is for them to become cluttered and messy again. 

Therefore, it is crucial to establish some maintenance habits to keep your newly organized drawers in good condition. Here are some tips to help you maintain your newly organized drawers:

Put things back where they belong

This may seem obvious, but it’s crucial to put items back in their designated spots consistently. Resist the temptation to throw things into your drawers haphazardly. Make it a habit to always return items to their proper places after each use. 

This will prevent clutter from building up and maintaining the organization you worked hard to achieve.

Assorted items scattered in a wooden drawer

Regularly declutter

Just because you’ve organized your drawers doesn’t mean they won’t accumulate unnecessary items over time. Set aside some time every few months to declutter your drawers. 

Go through each item and ask yourself if it’s still necessary or if it can be donated, recycled, or thrown away. 

To avoid overcrowding and disorganization of your drawers, it is important to regularly declutter them.

Use drawer dividers

Drawer dividers are an excellent tool for maintaining organization in your drawers. They keep items separated and prevent them from shifting around. 

However, it’s important to periodically check and readjust your dividers to ensure they’re still working effectively. As items come and go from your drawers, you may need to rearrange the dividers to accommodate new additions or changes.

Clean and dust regularly

Dust and dirt can accumulate in drawers over time, so it’s important to clean them regularly. Use a microfiber cloth and mild cleaning solution to wipe down the interior.

This will not only keep your drawers clean but also help maintain the freshness and longevity of your organized space.

If needed, set reminders in your phone calendar or on a central command center calendar to keep everyone on top of their cleaning and upkeep schedules and tasks.

Label, label, label

Proper labeling is not only important for organizing items in the beginning, but it is also crucial for maintaining order in your drawers. 

Make sure to label each section of your drawers clearly so that you and your family members can effortlessly identify where each item should be placed. 

This will eliminate confusion and avoid excuses for not returning items to their correct spot.

Be mindful of new additions

When you add new items to your drawers, remember their proper place. Don’t simply toss them in wherever there’s space – take a moment to think about where they fit best within your organizational system. By consciously considering each new addition, you’ll ensure your drawers remain organized and clutter-free.

With these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to maintain the organization of your drawers and enjoy the benefits of a functional and clutter-free space.

Drawer Organizing Ideas for Specific Items (Clothes, Kitchenware, Stationery, etc.)

Starting the new year with an organized home is a great way to feel refreshed and ready for the year ahead. 

However, it can be challenging to know where to begin, especially when it comes to organizing your drawers. 

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! 

In this section, we will provide you with creative ideas for organizing specific items in your drawers, such as clothes, kitchenware, and stationery. Get ready to transform your messy drawers into well-organized spaces!

woman sitting in floor folding clothes

Let’s start with clothes

Organizing your clothing drawers can be made easier by utilizing drawer dividers. These simple tools enable you to divide your clothes into different sections, making it easy to locate what you need. 

You can sort your clothes by type: t-shirts, sweaters, pants, underwear, socks, etc. or by color. Rolling your clothes instead of folding them is another great tip. 

Rolling saves drawer space, helps to prevent wrinkling, and allows you to see your clothing at a glance without having to dig through piles. This is an especially useful trick with jeans.

utensils organized in drawer

Organizing your kitchenware drawers

When it comes to organizing your kitchenware drawers, the key is to maximize space and accessibility. Use adjustable drawer dividers to create customized sections for your utensils, gadgets, and tools. This will keep everything in its place and prevent items from shifting around. 

Another handy trick is to use drawer organizers designed explicitly for cutlery and silverware. 

These organizers have compartments for each individual item, making it easy to find what you need without digging through a jumble of utensils. 

Consider using vertical organizers for items like baking sheets and cutting boards. This will make it easy to grab what you need without stacking and unstacking them every time.

It might also be useful to audit the things that you have taking up counter space that could be better put away in drawers.

And it might even be useful to take an audit of your fridge drawers, if you have them, to see how they can be organized to best utilize the space.

Stationery and office supplies 

Organizing your stationery or office supplies can be a daunting task, but there are plenty of clever solutions to help you get started. 

Begin by using small storage bins or containers to keep items like paperwork, pens, pencils, and paper clips organized.

You can even repurpose empty food containers, such as mason jars or yogurt cups, to store your supplies. 

Additionally, drawer dividers or trays can be used to separate different categories of items, such as sticky notes, staplers, and notepads. Or even to create a filing system!

Don’t forget to label! 

Label each section of your drawer to make it easy to find what you’re looking for. This will save you time and prevent items from getting mixed up.

Remember, the key to organizing specific items in your drawers is finding solutions that work for you and your needs. Experiment with different organization ideas until you find a functional and visually appealing system. By organizing your drawers and implementing these creative ideas, you’ll create a clean and efficient space that will make your daily routines a breeze.

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