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Do design blogs depress you?

by on Feb 21, 2011


"A Person Using Computer Mouse"

A local CBS affiliate recently ran a story about the possible link between social networking and depression. The issue arises from something called ‘social comparison’. The report reminded us that most people don’t post things that are unflattering, be it news or photos, so we’re not getting the whole truth. The problem, of course, is if we do do any comparing, we’re comparing the entirety of our lives to the best of someone else’s. The same goes, of course, for design blogs. Generally speaking, we only see the goofy stuff in ‘before’ photos. It’s gone by the time the post is writ. Its author is now living in a beautiful new ‘after’. An after, by the way, that we may never achieve. Or at least, that’s what we might tell ourselves if we fall into the comparison trap. The antidote to social networking induced depression is NOT to compare yourself or your home to anyone else’s, which is sometimes easier said than done.

Admittedly, l do it occasionally, and then I have to remind myself that chances are it’s all fiction. As soon as the camera is turned off, the real living begins. Case in point: my craft room makeover from a few years back. Here’s what it looked like in the ‘after’ shot. 

A white colour chair is infront of the table.

And here’s what it looks like now–this morning, in fact. (I forced myself not to tidy it up to take the picture. That was more difficult than I had imagined.)

Now check out the wall opposite. The gigantic treadmill was there before too, I just didn’t photograph it in my makeover series. (I love my treadmill, btw, so I don’t mind its occupancy in my craft room.)

created at: 02/21/2011

Yes, I’m a little embarrassed to post these pictures of my untidy, multi-use craft room, but I only need to remind myself how lucky I am to even HAVE a craft room, multi-use or not.

Now back to my original question. Do you ever feel yourself slipping into the ‘social comparison’ valley? Are you in the midst of a social comparison funk right now?  If so, what could you do or tell yourself to rise above it?

To read and/or watch the clip of the news report, follow this jump.