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DIY: Sew Your Man a Tater Tots Vest

by on Aug 13, 2008

Nothing says “I love my man!” like a handmade Tater Tots vest and hat.  A bachelor eating Tots night after night, a long distance relationship, what else could she do to seal the deal? 

To sew this one-of-a-kind handmade dapper man-vest, she collected empty TT bags, stitched them together to make Tater Tot fabric, laid the pattern on top and cut out the pieces just like it was fine Italian wool.

* Note that the pattern even lines up on either side of the buttons.  Buttonholes, too!!  The entire vest was lined with a beautifully coordinating yellow poplin, which was also the fabric used for the back of the vest. 

As a perfect accessory to the plastic vest, a once popular John Deere hat was restyled into an original, and most lovingly stitched, Ore Ida Tater Tots Topper.

created on: 08/13/08

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