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Curbly Ornament Challenge: DIY Copper + Brass Geometric Ornaments

by on Dec 10, 2014

Capree Kimball
Photo: Capree Kimball

I’m not gonna lie. I’m still very much on the copper and brass train and I wanted a way to incorporate these warm metals into my Christmas decor this year. The answer, of course, was right in front of me: simple geometric ornaments! Read on to see how to make these modern Christmas accessories in minutes.     

A set of plyers and geometric ornamentCapree Kimball
Photo: Capree Kimball


  • copper and/or brass sheets (I got mine on Amazon — just search “copper sheet”. Anything in the .003-.005″ thickness range will work.)
  • hole punches of various sizes or a craft knife — whatever you’re comfortable using
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • monofilament for hanging your ornament (or thread, string, etc.)

"Copper and Brass Geometric Ornaments"Capree Kimball

Photo: Capree Kimball


1. Use a hole punch to cut out your desired shape. If using a craft knife, mark your shape on the metal with a pencil and carefully cut it out. Repeat so you have two of the same shape.

Brass geometric items with pencil.Capree Kimball
Photo: Capree Kimball

2. Use a pencil and a ruler to mark a line from the middle to the top of your cutout. Repeat on the second cutout, this time marking from the middle to the bottom. With scissors or a craft knife, cut along the marked lines.

"Two copper pieces and puncher."Capree Kimball
Photo: Capree Kimball

3. Use an extra small hole punch to create a hole at the top of your second cutout (the one with the cut line at the bottom). Thread a six-inch piece of monofilament/string/thread through the hole and tie a knot. Then, take the first cutout and, lining up both cut lines, slide it onto the other. Voila! You’ve just created a modern metallic ornament!

" A simple brass ornament to decorate a Christmas tree"Capree Kimball
Photo: Capree Kimball

Get creative and try different shapes and sizes!

A piece of paper has been folded into shapes.Capree Kimball
Photo: Capree Kimball

three piece of copper and brass geometric ornamentsCapree Kimball

Photo: Capree Kimball

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  1. Copper and brass
    Copper and brass
    Means so much more when I seeeeeee
    Copper and brass decorations
    On every Christmas tree